Hello Guys and Ladies
This is ChaTa.
Your newest enemy and the actualy most hated Man on WON.
Well, this letter is to clear realy a lot of things.
And i post it here, cause this is a Place where a lot players can read it, and cause my Apologize goes
specialy to lordrule, Blood and to primal and skibb, cause i was cloning and smurfing them realy often.
(heh, i dont need to smurf ppl, where i know exactly that i would win) :P
We all know what i did.
I was saying some stupid shit on ladderforum, and i was faking a lot of ppl.
A lot of shit happend on WON and on Ladder last few days.
Some Players begann to hate AHAB more then befor, cause if someone makes shit,
they think it was ahab. (lol, most time he is realy) , but not the last few days.
I was realy very active with cloning ppl, and sometimes i did it that good, that even
SLS-guys beleaved i was EchoSLS.
Only a few times some ppl found out, that im a fake.
And Kal, if you realy wanna protect all variotions of a name, u have to invest 5 or 6 hours, cause
there is a lot more u can do, then only put a & or a " "after the name.
And Kal, pls, dont manipulate things that people are writing on your forum, that you hate.
That is realy too American-way of fighting. U risk to make ppl realy evil at you and you give them a good reason to hate you, and we saw in NY, nobody is
sure from ppl in Rage.
Well, i stoped this war, cause it was keeping to a real big dimension.
I was even standing in front of the question, if i realy wanna try make Ladderpage 100% unuseble, btw, if i wanna take away kal's lil pleasure playing God and kicking ppl only cause he dont like them, without having a real reason.
Maby you think this is a bluff, but i dont care. I dunno realy, but it is no joke, that my best friend offerd me to help
and i dont realy understand something of hacking, but i know that this guy is realy proffesional Hacker and he also has a big Job in big Internet-Company where he is Informatic-specialist, and i bet, i dunno realy , but i bet, this guy would have made you big problems with ur Page, if i only wished. (hehe, it was a big feeling making warplans with him, we had a lot fun and lots of ideas)
I also improved a lot by myself, by trying to outwit ladderadmins. Heh, finaly, it was one last lil point, that they found out, who i am.
Isnt it truth kal? i bet after a few more days, i would of had get this last problem also.
Heh, i learnd a lot bout my machine last days, befor, i didnt even knew, what a IP-Adress is or a cookie. lol
And Kal, maby you should kick ALL Ladderplayers from switzerland, cause there is only one here in that lil country
(Der Spieler) = ChaTa
Well what i wanna say is, i didnt fight all HW-players, i fighted faxe only.
And i realy wonder how easy he had, to keep you all on his side, how easy you guys changed ur mind to 100% about me after knowing me that long time, but nm, i am not a person with big illusions.
Only Jason was staying my friend, hmmm and ahab and dk also.
(Hey guys, never say something bad about jason.
Maby he's got the highest emotional-IQ on WON. )He has realy correct character.
I never enjoined it to clone ppl and i was always having a bad feeling by doing it.
I realy became bad and evil vibrations in my whole life cause that war, and that is not what i like.
I dont wanna pay this price only to win a Powerfight with a lil Boy, and i also dont wanna take away your fun guys.
Im not that sick yet. I am yes, but not that much yet
So i am giving u all my apologize about what i did, and i promise, from now on, if someone was get cloned,
it wasent me.
I realy dont play Ladder anymore, and i dont wanna lie in all ur faces anymore.
And i dont gonna say that only, cause i think that i can return to ladder one day, if i only suck some dicks well.
Ladder isnt the whole truth anyway, and it is easy to cheat a lil, without kicking a rule. it is also easy, if u r number
one, to stay there for a while, without winning only one lil game.
About smurfing on Ladder i dont see any Problems Primal, cause i think a good player can win even to a smurf.
And btw. everybody does. It is no rule against smurfing on ladder and you cant even define, what exactly a smurf is.
OK, and what i wrote about Bin Laden was Bullshit anyway, cause im in Danger myself of this man, here where i life.
And i also find horrible, what he and his taliban's did in NY and even in their own country.
(if he realy was, cause the whole world knows, you cant beleave the American-news-informations about a war.)
And also i am realy worried about the these things, cause i see, that this Moslems hold toghter maby.
And if this is realy changing to a war against the the whole Islam, i think we all have a bigger Problem as some
patriotic and bigfeeling-Amis think. Cause we all now, its not always the stronger one that wins a fight, often, its the one that who is more in rage and who is more evil and unscrupulouse. I am realy afraid of these guys.
I bet, they will use realy bad and evil weapons, if they are in war.
So, i dont know if everyone wants to forgive me and accepts my apologize.
But i will stop it anyway. Im sick of these bad feelings.
i am definitly not a man can life in disharmonie.
i need Peace around me, or i dont feel good.
And even my own wife was against this war. lol (u see, she' a good wife!)
ChaTa, even if you like him or not, if you forgive him or not, is not gonna clone again, and is not going play laddergames anymore.
Every reason u have to hate ChaTa in Future, is that he plays better then you :P.... and maby that hes got a big mouth
on WON sometimes. hehe
I only wanna have fun here, and if ppl like kal are thinking its funny to play God and taking away ppl's fun,
i dont wanna do also.
I hope, kal, u never provocate the wrong dude like u did to me, once.
There are ppl in this world, they dont care, to lose some Harmonie, (or their lifes) for winning a Powerfight or a war.
Well, i hope u forgive me that doltish things i did last days.
bye all
This is ChaTa.
Your newest enemy and the actualy most hated Man on WON.
Well, this letter is to clear realy a lot of things.
And i post it here, cause this is a Place where a lot players can read it, and cause my Apologize goes
specialy to lordrule, Blood and to primal and skibb, cause i was cloning and smurfing them realy often.
(heh, i dont need to smurf ppl, where i know exactly that i would win) :P
We all know what i did.
I was saying some stupid shit on ladderforum, and i was faking a lot of ppl.
A lot of shit happend on WON and on Ladder last few days.
Some Players begann to hate AHAB more then befor, cause if someone makes shit,
they think it was ahab. (lol, most time he is realy) , but not the last few days.
I was realy very active with cloning ppl, and sometimes i did it that good, that even
SLS-guys beleaved i was EchoSLS.
Only a few times some ppl found out, that im a fake.
And Kal, if you realy wanna protect all variotions of a name, u have to invest 5 or 6 hours, cause
there is a lot more u can do, then only put a & or a " "after the name.
And Kal, pls, dont manipulate things that people are writing on your forum, that you hate.
That is realy too American-way of fighting. U risk to make ppl realy evil at you and you give them a good reason to hate you, and we saw in NY, nobody is
sure from ppl in Rage.
Well, i stoped this war, cause it was keeping to a real big dimension.
I was even standing in front of the question, if i realy wanna try make Ladderpage 100% unuseble, btw, if i wanna take away kal's lil pleasure playing God and kicking ppl only cause he dont like them, without having a real reason.
Maby you think this is a bluff, but i dont care. I dunno realy, but it is no joke, that my best friend offerd me to help
and i dont realy understand something of hacking, but i know that this guy is realy proffesional Hacker and he also has a big Job in big Internet-Company where he is Informatic-specialist, and i bet, i dunno realy , but i bet, this guy would have made you big problems with ur Page, if i only wished. (hehe, it was a big feeling making warplans with him, we had a lot fun and lots of ideas)
I also improved a lot by myself, by trying to outwit ladderadmins. Heh, finaly, it was one last lil point, that they found out, who i am.

Heh, i learnd a lot bout my machine last days, befor, i didnt even knew, what a IP-Adress is or a cookie. lol
And Kal, maby you should kick ALL Ladderplayers from switzerland, cause there is only one here in that lil country

(Der Spieler) = ChaTa

Well what i wanna say is, i didnt fight all HW-players, i fighted faxe only.
And i realy wonder how easy he had, to keep you all on his side, how easy you guys changed ur mind to 100% about me after knowing me that long time, but nm, i am not a person with big illusions.
Only Jason was staying my friend, hmmm and ahab and dk also.
(Hey guys, never say something bad about jason.
Maby he's got the highest emotional-IQ on WON. )He has realy correct character.
I never enjoined it to clone ppl and i was always having a bad feeling by doing it.
I realy became bad and evil vibrations in my whole life cause that war, and that is not what i like.
I dont wanna pay this price only to win a Powerfight with a lil Boy, and i also dont wanna take away your fun guys.
Im not that sick yet. I am yes, but not that much yet

So i am giving u all my apologize about what i did, and i promise, from now on, if someone was get cloned,
it wasent me.
I realy dont play Ladder anymore, and i dont wanna lie in all ur faces anymore.
And i dont gonna say that only, cause i think that i can return to ladder one day, if i only suck some dicks well.
Ladder isnt the whole truth anyway, and it is easy to cheat a lil, without kicking a rule. it is also easy, if u r number
one, to stay there for a while, without winning only one lil game.
About smurfing on Ladder i dont see any Problems Primal, cause i think a good player can win even to a smurf.
And btw. everybody does. It is no rule against smurfing on ladder and you cant even define, what exactly a smurf is.
OK, and what i wrote about Bin Laden was Bullshit anyway, cause im in Danger myself of this man, here where i life.
And i also find horrible, what he and his taliban's did in NY and even in their own country.
(if he realy was, cause the whole world knows, you cant beleave the American-news-informations about a war.)
And also i am realy worried about the these things, cause i see, that this Moslems hold toghter maby.
And if this is realy changing to a war against the the whole Islam, i think we all have a bigger Problem as some
patriotic and bigfeeling-Amis think. Cause we all now, its not always the stronger one that wins a fight, often, its the one that who is more in rage and who is more evil and unscrupulouse. I am realy afraid of these guys.
I bet, they will use realy bad and evil weapons, if they are in war.
So, i dont know if everyone wants to forgive me and accepts my apologize.
But i will stop it anyway. Im sick of these bad feelings.
i am definitly not a man can life in disharmonie.
i need Peace around me, or i dont feel good.
And even my own wife was against this war. lol (u see, she' a good wife!)
ChaTa, even if you like him or not, if you forgive him or not, is not gonna clone again, and is not going play laddergames anymore.
Every reason u have to hate ChaTa in Future, is that he plays better then you :P.... and maby that hes got a big mouth
on WON sometimes. hehe
I only wanna have fun here, and if ppl like kal are thinking its funny to play God and taking away ppl's fun,
i dont wanna do also.
I hope, kal, u never provocate the wrong dude like u did to me, once.
There are ppl in this world, they dont care, to lose some Harmonie, (or their lifes) for winning a Powerfight or a war.
Well, i hope u forgive me that doltish things i did last days.
bye all