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Just like them huh Yellowdragon... don't worry.. you will not be hated. See they (EDITED FORBRAGGING )... now that they can't beat your strat they have to call it lame and uninventive and boring of all things to play you.... whine some more guys.. lets see how far you can go.
PS: you can't ban me frstkor.... i can always make a new name man so please.. save me and you both the trouble of doing it
...yes but i can always make you say funny things =\
Hello Echo. You say that the FL whined.. well maybe they did, maybe they didnt. It seems that there was quite alot of political issues in regards to you, fl, sls, ahab etc etc before i joined this great group. Not sure if they are connected never really felt like finding out. Anyways on too the points:
1. I have no doubt that you could kick my ass on any map with any settings. I dont even need to play you to know that. In fact i have only played you once. It was a team game in hwc... 7th vs fl. You probably dont remember, but i do. 7th won. That it is not important either. In fact i had nothing to do with the victory.. i had some extremely skilled allies (athexx, culthero). What it is important is that you bitched during the game. You bitched on won after the game. And then you proceeded to come to irc and bitch at us there. No bugs were used. I only remember this game because i could not believe that someone would just go off while losing. Personally if i am losing i dont have time to talk trash.
This is relevant because above you sound like a person who never whined before. I just wanted people to know that you have and that despite you trying to come off as a martyr i see through it.
2. You seem to think that banning someone takes alot work. As if frst, reki, and/or molle must enter a set of complex #'s to ban you. Well echo its really quite easy. They select your name from a database and then hit a button/option that says ban. Due to reki's dsl the page loads really fast. Also before you are banned again... you openly acknowledge that you are not liked here. Yet you will not leave. That perplexes me a great deal. Do you hope to find some secret underground rebellion waiting for a leader to take charge and somehow control our boards? Well the people that visit fl are pretty much all our friends sls, psa, dab.. the list goes on (my bad if i leave any out). If your banned so be it, if not i guess i will see you post more. Just wondered why you come to a place where you are not very welcomed.
Good night echo, and perhaps we see more posts from you.
"just like them" echo? only 1 person complained about yd's strat...
others (like me) find it boring to play him and have the same strat used on us every time, but then again i'd hate it if anyone did that too me.as for radial being fair, harvest it both as guest and as host, record and if u can get as much money as both, then you'll have won. don't give us baseless accusations that u know arent true. as for u being unbeatable on radial..... rofl... didn't u prey on newbs to get ur streaks, then get your ass kicked by someone good and resighn? also lets not forget u coming on as dkownsj00 and kick banning everyone.... how lame can u get...
I r lub choaocolate tehat are in my baed divorce the two wife is hard on bed tonight I bill aol which is 45$ and is hard for me. Plx plx halp me sombady i r chocalte and have divorxe mary 2 peple dat giv mariy me and kthxbi.
omg soul don't tell him about my underground rebellion to take over the Guidestone forums!!!
Thats it boys.. lets turn the post all about me. Okay where do I start.... #1 Soul
ROTF You bitch at me for bitching when I lose? Frstkor is the alltime crybaby when it comes to losing.... he hated me when I was in FL because I would beat him and he would get pissed. He is showing it now beings he is BANNING people from a simply chatroom beings he lost. LoL And Oh yea... I do believe us being a man down the whole game that time. Icecrane Left... and it was 3 vs 4 the whole time. I took out Kalessin with ease and went to help my partner until his MS blew and took everything I have.... I remember that game very well because I did not play many HW:C games... but I do remember it being 3 vs 4 the WHOLE game. thanks gg
Kushan.... were you even around when I was beating up "newbies"? ... Umm no you weren't. Oh, explain to me this Kushan... not anyone else but Kushan. Why? Oh How in the hell could I beat up newbies and stay in the top 10 and eventually #2 on the ladder with that streak on radial? Newbies? Newbies are ranked that high? OH yea thats right... you did get that high ^^ Now... please stop flaming me.. you don't know me, your just trying to suck up to FL some more (mainly frstkor) dude stop sucking his dick.. its not worth it.
K... back to Soul... Why do I contiously come here even though no one likes me? Probably because this is the most popular board and everyone will read what I have to say.... Like it matters, the FL have already brain washed everyone, but I do like to argue every now and then.. it's fun. And oh yea... this is a GAME. Whether its a game talked about on this forum or wherever its still a game that I have the right to play just like anyone else. Oh yea.. about your underground cult thing whatever... it can be done I know plenty of llamas just like me that will all join an underground cult just to throw you over.....
w00t! assholes pwn
PS: GG changing the topic from LOSE or BAN to FLAME ECHO.
Ok, to start things off i just wanna say that i knew echo when i was a newbie back in DD and echo, i have never talked shit about you said anything bad about you or anything at all but now it's like you dont really give a fuck so youll just go talking smack about whoever you please.
Echo your not just talking about a particular person your talking about the FL team and ill be damned if every one of us has "harassed" you or whatever but i know that i havnt and that there are other FL guyz havent either even if some have but you dont give a shit u just wanna wine like a bitch about everyone you can.I just wanted to say that looking at it from my point frst is a good freind of mine and yeah he does go off sometimes no worse then iv seen other guyz, hes just really competative and everyone including myself hates loosing and gets pissed so who really gives a rats ass.
I was also freinds "at one point" with dk, ahab, and chatanga since my begining in hw and to be honest it's not just that frst and FL are "brainwashing" it's that dk,ahab,and chatanga turn into high class fagets out of no ware and then bitch and whine, why is so and so calling us this and blah blah blah.
So anyway i just wanted to say that even though echo "warned" me about frst being a prick it turns out that echo is the one under the spot light now and i just have to say that echo , your very gay and i think it's ok me saying this cuz i knew you didnt like me as soon as i first joined FL , the fact that you had a bad attitude towards me just for joining FL(and dont say you didnt cuz your full of shit) and having things work out so good made you not like me even though i was always cool to you and NEVER talked shit until now.
Bottom line is echo you wanna talk about FL this and FL doesnt like me or whatever thats great because now you can add me to the list of people who think your a fag and i hope your not like this in real life cuz thats embarasing.Echo you need to stfu and leave these boards if your not happy, so why post?(cuz you like to whine like a little girl and thats a fact so keep looking for excuses)
*sigh* that took way too much of my time today so im out.
-later gamers and btw we are here to play , get pissed, goof off, but if i hear any more whining you gonna hear from me, rawr-
ROTF You bitch at me for bitching when I lose? Frstkor is the alltime crybaby when it comes to losing.... he hated me when I was in FL because I would beat him and he would get pissed. He is showing it now beings he is BANNING people from a simply chatroom beings he lost. LoL And Oh yea... I do believe us being a man down the whole game that time. Icecrane Left... and it was 3 vs 4 the whole time. I took out Kalessin with ease and went to help my partner until his MS blew and took everything I have.... I remember that game very well because I did not play many HW:C games... but I do remember it being 3 vs 4 the WHOLE game. thanks gg
Not bitchig just curious. Secondly wrong game... gg;). It was a 3v3 the whole time culthero ath + me vs you and 2 fl. Thanks for coming up with a whole other story though one of which i never played in... story time is fun=].
And just cause i am now brainwashed... i think i have to say something:
Echo listen to BloodHound Gang's song 'I hope you die' and listen to the lyrics closely.
K Ridock.. bro.. I never hated you.. just think you joined the wrong clan is all... I never talked bad about you... I will never talk bad about Icecrane, Magpie, Protos, You.... reki can be a dicksucker sometimes but living under the same roof as frstkor your all bound to be....i just think this man....
frstkor and I are a lot alike.. just he kissed ass at times.. and i didn't... he stayed with FL (its his clan) and i didn't... so now they hate me.....so if they are going to hate me no matter what I do might as well ride it out....
you see I joined SLS to try to "change" my ways.. and I was acting right in my mind... making friends I guess you could say.. but no matter what I did... frstkor was always downing me therefore other people would down me.. it will never change so like I said before.. might as well ride it out
frstkor called me a liar... he said i clan whored with SRA..( I was in SRA for like 2 weeks) and I told him before anyone about me being in it and he didn't really care.. until I posted about it and people starting getting mad then he cared... see it was okay for all the BM to do that... Reaper mostly.. there was a humungous argument at that time about smurf clans like that... and smurf names period.. but no one cared... they kissed beltemalls ass but when EchO does it its a major sin and everyone has to hate him now.... or is it just becasue frstkor hates it?
you know.. if i was to drive to kansas for some odd reason and stop at frstkors house... assuming I know where its at, he would probably welcome me in his home with a smile on his face... we would share some homeworld memories and everything would be fine.. but online he has to be a dick becasue he feels he has some rep to take care of.... i say fuck it.. i don't care... this is a game... and you guys make to much out of it... SMALL GAME POLITICS SUCK ASS...
Well, you say that you have never hated me and i beleive that and i also beleive that you dont actually hate frst, hate is a strong word and ii find it hard to believe that the hate would be that strong in real life.1 thing, how can you actually "hate" someone over the internet, im sorry there are people that piss me off and i dont talk to them or want to but i would never hate someone on the internet it's just plain stupid to me and a waste of time i think.
So fine you never hated me i have no problem with that, BUT my problem lies with your statement saying, "You.... reki can be a dicksucker sometimes but living under the same roof as frstkor your all bound to be". So basically even though you dont hate me im a dicksucker or i(and my freelance team)are bound to be dicksuckers even though i (and other FL's)have never actually done anything bad to you or said anything bad until today of coarse.See that makes no sence to me and THATS what pisses me off and you wonder why most FL doesnt like you? because you catagorize us all together like that when your really just mad at one person, if you dont like frstkor fine then dont like him, dont post on FL boards or talk to him ect.(unless of coarse your just trying to stir the pot)
Then you have the balls to say, " FL (its his clan) and i didn't... so now they hate me.....".So wtf is this now echo?"they hate me" again strong words and AGAIN i didnt hate you but now youv just pissed me off and i could care less of what you say.And what you think it's just FL that doesnt like you very much? There are plenty of non-FL's that freely show their contempt for you.
Also you say your riding out the hate, common your trying to stir the pot and it's obvious so quit the bs.
I just finished work im tierd so thats it for now im goin to bed nite guyz.ps:i have never heard frstkor say it's his clan and i beleive he doesnt want it that way at all and until i hear him say that himself your statement that "it's his clan" is totally false to me because he has never even claimed "his clan", it's more like FL players look up to him because of his leadership skills and the fact that he did start freelance.Echo look at your words, you keep saying we , they, and hate but your just mad at frst and i disagree with most of the things you have said.
hi echo its nice to see your still obsessed with my cock. its been fun watching you spew forth but I'm afraid playtime is over.
I knew this thread would attract you, and this is good because I'm in the mood. I just want to kinda get some shit straight is all.
point number one:
I own you. I will always own you, just as I have always owned you. I'm not talking about just homeworld or just a bigger dick, I'm talking about every sense of the word. Unfortunately this is set in stone so you have no chance to survive plz make ur time.
point number two:
Your a faget. I will now state some reasons as to why your a faget. You have cheated on cases ladder several times. You have lied to many, too many times. Your have more arrogance in your inchdick than I have in my footlong. Your obsessed with me. You hang with the taliban, metaphorically speaking. Fortunately for you, point number two can be reversed if you would stop being a faget. Or maybe you could go to the army or whatever like you said you were going to. I promise these forums won't miss you k. But as i often recall, someone great once said "Its very hard for someone who is a fag to become unfag." You say that I hate losing and i bitch when it happens, so like, hi, whats your point faget? Like the whole free world doesn't know this fact. I don't even hide it. But I'll tell ya what, pussy, at least when I lose a game, I'll report it. When you lose a game, you'll quit, while screaming a non existent sync error, then you'll cuss alot and quit ladder after reporting to 5 people you did not lose to, never actually reporting to those you did. You fail so much faget.
point number three:
FL > you. It has been and always will be this way. I rather don't care if you or other people think what I'm about to say its hypocritical because its pretty modest... but I think you know you f'd up by lying to us and clanwhoring and your too slow to realize its your fault your a faget. You were part of something really special, something great and your dumbass fucked it up. Freelance is so far above you sir, feel priviledged that I take pleasure out of informing you of your doltishness.
If anyone wants to know who you really are, all they have to do is search echo through these forums and they can see your true self, denied or not. All you do is refer to me in some way shape or form, or diss FL, all the while bragging on yourself. I personally think it's pretty transparent, your anger that is. I admit im a faget, I always will. I got no problems with admitting I'm a bitch, and it really doesn't hurt my feeling when you insult me, cause whatever you got, I've dissed myself worse. pussy. Your the type of fucking reject who thinks his shit doesnt stink. You think your worth something. You are mistaken.
As for the situation at hand, I'm sorry to be the one to inform you, but your lacking in the information department as much as you like to think you know everything. Don't think that just because you are banned from guidestone irc with much prejudice because you spammed (trying to frame it on DK was pretty sweet tho, you must not have noticed he was already on when you popped in ), that everyone who is banned is banned with a malicous hand. If you weren't so far out of the loop you might realize what irc is. You were not there, you do not know what the atmosphere was and you do not know me as much as you do obsess about. People are kicked and banned from #freelance often, sometimes because they are truly fagets, but the majority of the time its because we are flirting. Don't h8 cause your out of the love loop tho. Stop acting like you have an inkling of a clue as to what type of person I am. I do not kiss ass, in fact I'm the exact opposite. I'll tell you how I feel and I'll not be coy about it, wether you have something i want or not. You think its some sort of conspiracy or soemthing, a brainwashing? Try this k:
You, ahab, DK, chatanga are fucking morons. It's not a conspiracy dumbass, its the proven truth. Please wakies up. I was not always downing you as you say, which you know is a lie, I had even stuck up for you on more than one occasion when something was being thrown at you that was not necc. You know this moron, this would be why you whispered me "why you taking up for me man, is the hostilities over?"
No echo, your still a faget, but I just call the shots like I see them. If someone was blaming DK or ahab for something I know they were not responsible for I would step up, as I stepped up and defended you. It not because I like you, faget, its because I like the truth. Your lying your ass off right now and you know it, and you will feel like a liar when you go to sleep because you wish you didn't have to lie to diss on me but you do, because you aint got shit. When I found out you were in SRA you say I didn't really care? I still have an icq log of our conversation, dipshit, you think I dont save this stuff or something? When you were found to be clanwhoring you we opened the door and showed it to your dumb ass. You knew you fucked up, and you still do, admitting it would be nice tho.
Although, now if I was concerned about looking bad or being pointed at for being a bad loser or something, you think I would take up the traits of some others and lock and/or delete this thread. No, I welcome pointing out the facts of life to dumbasses like you. I also haven't had my quota for using the word "faget" in the past 2 days so I'm letting a bit extra out on you. All you had to do was resist the temptation to be a faget and post, but you couldn't and now you think that your being flamed when all thats really happening is the truth is being stated.
At some point in your life, you will look in the mirror and realize your a moron, I wonder, will you think back to all the times you were told so and feel badly?
oh, and come to my house bitch and see wtf happens. I asking you, please come to my house.