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hehe, this is really funny.
EchO, i hoped you'd have turned over a new leaf when you joined SLS. True, you never behaved badly towards any SLS as far as i know, but that's not all there is to "good attitude". I never actually cared what you did in the past, some ppl told me horror stories but i thought to myself "well, as long as he doesn't pull that stuff again hes entirely cool with me". you say other ppl downed you. in my eyes, you did their job.
i didn't listen to other ppl bitching about you a lot, but now (and some period of time before now) nice and quiet EchO suddenly transforms into some self-fingering whining slut that is highly annoying my sense of harmony. I'm glad you retard resigned from SLS, saves me some trouble in having to convince others to kick you out. you could have of course ignored those that down you, but apparently noone is allowed to look at your highness the wrong way so you won't have it, throw a fit, whine and bitch etc etc. I'm tired of you and the way you act. just get the hell off here. i'd appreciate it.
PS: thanks for not locking this thread for once. i wanted to say this for quite some time...
echo i believed u when u said u'd changed and defended u more than once. i knew that u had been a real ass b4 but i thought you'd changed. then u came on these MSG boards and acted like an utter fag, srry but i feel no need to defend u any more. what can u say to justify ur cheating on ladder? ANYTHING AT ALL? what about ur irc kick banning episode, ANYTHING? or ur clan whoring, ANYTHING?
I r lub choaocolate tehat are in my baed divorce the two wife is hard on bed tonight I bill aol which is 45$ and is hard for me. Plx plx halp me sombady i r chocalte and have divorxe mary 2 peple dat giv mariy me and kthxbi.
k first to molle... hi molle goodbye molle... ps your not doing much by banning me... all i have to do is fill out 5 lines of bs to get a new name.. and im right back here so thanks for the trouble bro
ridock.. i apologize to you if i insulted you by saying FL and not just one person in FL.. but apparently it is all of FL because here you are flaming me.. gg buddy
frskor... why do you say life so much? this is a game man... a game played on the mother fucking internet... do you know what internet is? in other words i could be 6'5 and 280 with a 13 inch dick like i wanted to.. just like you say yours is so big... just wondering. isn't that the reason why shannon left you? you told me becasue of your dick size :\ oh yea.. i want to see the whole conversation log of me and you please.. beings you still have it
now... you want me to come up there and you will see what happens... well how does... hmmm December 23rd sound? i am no longer in school but DK is and they get out that day so we could make a road trip to Indiana to see Loafer.. and I'll stop by your house and we could have a few drinks what do you say? oh .. first ill need your home phone and your current address... i am being serious.. id like to meet the great and powerful faget frstkor13 would be a fun expierence
now.. ill say this before just like i ALWAYS say... this is a FUCKING GAME... Game.. game... game... interent....internet...internet... our attitudes are always diff. on the internet because they can be so stop judging my real life by my internet life.. i don't care if you hate me.. i play other games now.. i had my share of homeworld..so hate me all you want... criticize me all you want... call me a faget all you want but its really not going to bother me like it bothers you man... you've seriously got to let it go frstkor.. i mean you thinking that I think of you all the time? Its sweet man thanks but... sorry... not true.
one last thing.. thanks for leaving the thread open.. like last times you closed them before i got to hear what others what to say... its better to argue with all of you then just.. well you
Ps: hi molle goodbye molle
thing is if you flame one FL, the others are gonna stick up with him. they might not necessarily say something until you get so careless as to confuse one man with the rest of the clan he's in. then the rest of the clan is bound to jump in there and talk some smack against you.
[childish voice] its like... YOU STARTED IT, IDJIT![/childish voice]
echo, jesus please read your own posts sometime. I mean, do you realize you make yourself look like the idiot you are?
you always come here, talk some shit on me or FL, then when you look fucking stupid your like "ONG THIS IS A GAME, ON THE INTERNET, WHY DONT YOU JUST LET IT GO MAN WTF WHY", all the time not realizing that your own actions have led you to this point.
Why don't you then, hop into your "real life" (since this is a fake one or something), and get the hell outta here. Your just going to keep coming and saying the same thing over, the same cycle.
diss on frst/FL>frst/FL blow you off>echo says its just a game after his feelers are getting hurt
Here lets try it this way:
k first to molle... hi molle goodbye molle... ps your not doing much by banning me... all i have to do is fill out 5 lines of bs to get a new name.. and im right back here so thanks for the trouble bro
You always come here and diss on myself or some faction of Freelance before anyone has anything to say about you. You have done this many times, what is that? You devote the 10 minutes it takes to avert a ban, reset your internet and come post some more bullshit frquently now, I mean, you act like you don't care and you keep saying this is a game or something, no big deal so... why do you keep coming back? Like I said it's pretty transparent. What's worse is, I've seen this pattern. I've watched 3 seperate sickos just like yourself, be complete fagets, knowingly, then they try to convince us they are really ok people who are only fagets on the internet or when they are in front of their computer. It just holds no water. Your not .5 faget or .247 faget. Your 1 whole faget echo.
ridock.. i apologize to you if i insulted you by saying FL and not just one person in FL.. but apparently it is all of FL because here you are flaming me.. gg buddy
Person A shoots person B in the foot, person B then hits his attacker (person A) with a baseball bat. Person A then apologizes for his fuck up, but adds person B to a list of aggressors because person B defended himself.
That makes alot of sense to me echo, real neat how your brain works.
frskor... why do you say life so much? this is a game man... a game played on the mother fucking internet... do you know what internet is? in other words i could be 6'5 and 280 with a 13 inch dick like i wanted to.
now... you want me to come up there and you will see what happens... well how does... hmmm December 23rd sound? i am no longer in school but DK is and they get out that day so we could make a road trip to Indiana to see Loafer.. and I'll stop by your house and we could have a few drinks what do you say?If you showed up at my door, I would laugh outloud at your obvious obsessive behavior, then call you a fucking moron faget, make you feel really stupid while I point out all the dumb things you have done over the past year and a half, then tell you to leave. Theres a very good chance it would end up into a physical brawl because theres something a bit appealing when I think of busting your jaw. We would not have a few drinks.
So once again here we are, your being a faget and you just can't see it for some reason. I'm starting to think maybe you really do need some help outside of your computer desk chair, you are basically admitting you have a multiple personality disorder, and its pretty obvious your a compulsive liar with another anti-social disorder.
You keep coming back here and starting shit, so please, tell me why. Why are you so obsessive? If you would just get it through your thick head that I > you, FL > you and you = faget. Perhaps you could move on.
ps. If I felt like it I could ban you and all of AOL as well.
and one very last thing, there is an awesome article for this type of situation almost. Its awesome, halfway funny, but makes perfect sense. Thanks to cj for linking us to it, check it out here. I encourage everyone to read it, its pretty cool.
Geez is this one big happy disfunctional family or what?
:::; using best Rodney King voice::: "Can't we all just get along?"
For those of us that can't, "Can't you stay on your side and us on ours?"
Oh brother.......
Heading to DAB where the grass is greener and the babes are hornier... hey.. hey hey!!!! hehehehehe