OK Guys and Gals, here a chance to relive the mements when you totally kicked ass and felt on top of Homeworld. Let's hear about YOUR DEFINING MOMENT !
I wish I could recall all the details but .... here goes Metho's Defining Moment....
One of the Chikens, Nem I think, was charged up over a pair of SLS's who were boasting on WON this day that they were undefeated for the night. Nem was one of their victims. Nem wanted their blood real bad so he asked me to be his ally in a chance game for revenge.
We played Plex 2 vs 2. The SLS's looked to be going the standard one corv/swarms the other capping. Nem chose to swarm in true Chook style and I wanted a mid game RU boost, so I went 5/2 and 3 research, going for caps (this was back in my Taiidan only days).
I knew that in order to get the upper hand on the SLS's we'd have to rush em. Nem built up an excellent 7:30 min swarm and we charged one of the SLS's ( both SLS were top notch players, not intermediates).
Prolly after the 5th projectile fired NEM DROPPS FROM THE GAME !!!
I had just done my best harv op on Plex to date, so I was not about to restart the game - " Lets Rok boys, Metho VS 2 SLS", I said.
The three research allowed me the edge to get out Fields and a graw in short time. The ensuing battle saw the SLS swarmer paralised and anything the capper came in with that could damage a field was blasted away.
I went on to own both SLS that game and upon returning to WON, Nem whispers "fuckit, I crashed - was it bad ?"...
"Nope, we won" I reply. Nem hit the farking roof and shouted a volley of "suck eggs SLS" into the WON chat room
I wish I could recall all the details but .... here goes Metho's Defining Moment....
One of the Chikens, Nem I think, was charged up over a pair of SLS's who were boasting on WON this day that they were undefeated for the night. Nem was one of their victims. Nem wanted their blood real bad so he asked me to be his ally in a chance game for revenge.
We played Plex 2 vs 2. The SLS's looked to be going the standard one corv/swarms the other capping. Nem chose to swarm in true Chook style and I wanted a mid game RU boost, so I went 5/2 and 3 research, going for caps (this was back in my Taiidan only days).
I knew that in order to get the upper hand on the SLS's we'd have to rush em. Nem built up an excellent 7:30 min swarm and we charged one of the SLS's ( both SLS were top notch players, not intermediates).
Prolly after the 5th projectile fired NEM DROPPS FROM THE GAME !!!
I had just done my best harv op on Plex to date, so I was not about to restart the game - " Lets Rok boys, Metho VS 2 SLS", I said.

The three research allowed me the edge to get out Fields and a graw in short time. The ensuing battle saw the SLS swarmer paralised and anything the capper came in with that could damage a field was blasted away.
I went on to own both SLS that game and upon returning to WON, Nem whispers "fuckit, I crashed - was it bad ?"...
"Nope, we won" I reply. Nem hit the farking roof and shouted a volley of "suck eggs SLS" into the WON chat room
