same here. i actually sucked a lot till i read a thread on relic boards on how to da corv wall, the thing with the SF behind. i started using a double wall extensively all through my games and started paying attention to the amount of RU available on a map. that's pretty much the moment when i began to win 2v2 skilled games sometimes, which attracted Riker's and Darkstar's attention and i was invited into SLS. felt giddy like a schoolgirl then. this would be my most defining moment.
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Your Defining Moments In HW
i dunno that i ever had a single defining moment, i think my travels through hw were much more of an organic process. most of us have a player or two who we always partner up well with/against. frst and mags were a double act for a bit in early FL days, skibb & jase seem to be a lethal combination, stonerz & mecha, griff & blood etc.
i think some of the best games i played in were with metho. we communicated well and brought down a number of deadly opponents. in particular, i remember a win in the pacific games that had us jumping for joy. think it was vs spica and xozu, was it meth? anyway, the koreans were shit hot back then and had many of the best in the game - the nothing clan, fornax, spica & a whole lotta strangely named 324039ASDFAF or something guys who would come outta nowhere and just rape you. that win felt damned good. beating nothingB a few times over was also good, mostly because he was a bit of an ass (who would do ES every game, btw), but also because he was a big time top 5 ladder player which i wasnt at the time.
ladder play was the next fun stage - frstkor had always talked me out of playing ladder for the same reasons that people who dont play it now cite (same maps, same strats etc). in a way its kinda true but also not. you soon realise playing ladder that there is an appearance of it being same old, when in fact its just the style of play is different. ladder play is all about subtleties and sleight of hand. its much more of a micro-style game and i soon realised after a few months that i enjoyed it immensely. there aint nothing like a big scalp on the ladder. when i first joined, there were about 150 or so ppl playing on the ladder, and i made the top 20 in about october 2000. the last 20 are always the hardest. i beat frisky just after christmas and moved into the top ten - that was when i felt the best about my hw skills. the ladder was pretty tough back then, with echo, fornax, frisky, molle, toxic, mouse, kamel, joe etc all making up the top ten over those few months. a win was never an easy thing.
the lab games were well on the way by this stage & it was mostly me, molle & metho (& later blood) tryin out lots of different shit to bring down king fornax who was on a massive streak at this stage. this was my favourite time in HW - we were living and breathing strat. i was dreaming up stuff at work that i would want to run home and try out. we played every night, recorded all our ladders and studied the game like never before. this was my defining skills period & the time when my skills were at their peak. you couldnt separate me, molle & blood and we swapped the top three positions every night for weeks till we got bored & quit. in all honesty, molle would come up with the new strats, i would refine a version for myself and blood would catch on a week or so later :P
i was gonna say more but i forgot what the original point was, so nm.
Crap - Im really going to show my HW age against all you old timers with this story.
About April last year I came up with the idea for a tribute site to the HW Greats. Not a HOF, but a recordings archive to preserve all the old skool strats that were developed. This idea died in the ass due to the lack of interest from many of the greats themselves. If it weren't for molle and a few others' support, the recrodings archive at FL Strat wouldn't contain many of the oldies games there.
It was during this planning period when molle offered to host the recordings archive at GS. Then one night I subtly changed the topic to beating swarmers on Sub in hope he would offer some advice. He did. In a qwik 10 min chat, molle gave me the basics on how and what to use a graw for on Sub and some tips on builds and research orders for various strats.
However Molle instigated the most profound change to my style of play in a few sentences on how to target your swarm. Simple shit really. But from that point on I adapted my own techniques in leading an opponents force over to my side of the map. And many of you guys know how farking good at that I am.
Anyway, on the 10th of June last year, I had a ladder game with "Silver Surfer", this was about 2 weeks after my chat with Molle. I got startled by this dolt hypering his coll over to the ru patch in front of my MS like a minute into the game!! FARK HOW DARE HE !!
I forgot to research shit, abandoned all hope of microing my fighter formations and just tried in earnest to kill his dam swarm. The bugger dragged me right over to his MS and I thought I was screwed, barely a ship left.
It was then that I recalled molle's chat on targeting. "Right fucker - my turn !!!" I said to myself. I did the voodo with my piddly def swarm and managed to haul his ass back to my side of the centre. I bought enough time to pop a few graws and polished off a fair chunk of his swarm with my af's.
By this time we had killed all our colls. I had 4 af's, 2 supps and a few defs left - Silver Surfer had a small fighter swarm docked. He failed.
It takes a LOOOOONG time to take out an MS with only 4 AF's, so we got to talking while Silver did his best to MS and RR ram my shit. He told me he was a returned vet and with this tad bit of info, Silver peaked my curiosity. I politely urged him to fess up...
It was Molle.
That was the first time I had beaten him and it was that game which saw the humble beginnings of my two trade marks. 1 - making a come-back from practically dead and 2 - drawing my opponent over to my MS launchbay
defining moment eh?...
when i first started playing online, i was doing good, winning about 4/5 of the games i played.
after i joined HSC, thor would ask me for an hsc ladder game every day and cream me. because i wasnt all that big into playing ladder, all i had were losses from my games with thor (who was #2 and trying to get a high win streak) so i stayed at the bottom. then one day when i had been playing the game online for only about 4 or 5 weeks, i was kind of in a bad mood and when thor came on with his +32 win streak, i thought "screw this" and asked him for a ladder before he could ask me. the map was subj, i decided to try using gravs for the first time. after a while he sent a probe, just as my first grav was coming out. ill never forget what he said: "LOL @ grav strat!!!!".
5 minutes later his streak died, and i jumped up on the ladder.
of course that night he came back on and beat the crap out of me, and then asked me for a ladder every time he saw me.
after that i avoided him like the plague while i started beating every hsc i saw to try and get a high win streak on the ladder. because he would always play me whenever he saw me, i only got a +5 streak, but it still was my introduction to my favorite strat and the begining of my being able to beat skilled players all the time, instead of just noobs and semi-noobs.
Hmmm i would have to say that my defining moment was back around July-Aug of 2000. That was when i had first got on the ladder back in my SBC days. I had started to slowly move up the ladder with around a 50% ratio. While the defining moment was when i was gettin close to the top 20. I was on WON one day and Kal had joined my ladder game. The only thing that i knew about Kal back then was that Kal had like an 11-1 record and was in the top 10. I was like what the hell i just play. The map was subj. I went my normal build back then, lcv/def to caps. Through the whole thing i went blow for blow with Kal. We had destoryed all but like 1 of each of each others collectors. Then i began to gain the upper hand I had about 5 defs n 6 lcvs left to Kal's none. Around this time we both started to get assults. After Kal's first assult came out i had finally got the last collector. It went downhill for Kal then, cause i still had 1 collector and i had assults coming out. That win had pushed me into the top 20( this was when we still had around 200 ppl ranked on the ladder)."Enemies can be your weapons or your shield. Simply show them which they are."-The Teachings of Zho
Wow, what a read!! Lot's of interesting tidbits of info. Hopefully I won't disappoint.
I really have a hard time putting a finger on a single defining moment, because there have been many in my long tenure with HW. I've been online since the 3rd week the game hit the shelves, so I have seen just about everyone come and go.
My first defining moment would have to be when Cathar showed me the virtue of the vettewall. After getting beat by this tactic regularly on the ladder, I finally learned the vettewall from Cathar. His tutelage and my observations of MadWaspBDU insured that I mastered this strat.
One of the greatest defining moments in my early playing days was successfully defending against a couple BDU when they came at me with 20 scouts each. People who I was allying with regularly (mainly WildCard and Cathar) were getting hit with the early rush, and we didn't always do so hot in defending against it.
I believe it was Cathar who I was playing with that game. He had positioned his scouts so that they were easy to get over to me in time, and I had a small light vettewall up already, so we put the hurt on them and then took it to them and polished them off. After we figured out how to defend against it (by keeping our scouts grouped near each others' and within easy reach of both of our MS's), the scout rush was pretty much a dead-end deal, only useful against the unprepared.
Other defining moments include such things as the assorted 2v1 victories I've managed to accrue. I even beat RIP.BM and a n00bie ally on "Plex" after WildCard got disconnected in a 2v2 game I had set up. RIP was feeling cocky and didn't care that his ally was new, so we went ahead and played. Card timed out early, and I was feeling cocky too (though I was certain that RIP and his n00b ally could easily wax me), so I said let's play it out.
Well I knew that my only real threat was gonna be RIP, so I decided to gamble and hit him early. So I sent my vettewall and scouts over to engage his. I somehow managed to get the upper hand quickly (caught RIP with his britches down really, cause I don't think he ever expected me to attack so quick).
After I took down his defenses, I moved my caps in to assist my scouts hitting his resourcing ops. I moved my vettewall (which had grown pretty large with all 3 flavours of vettes included) to intercept his ally (who was a total bonehead, and hadn't moved his MS to the center). I was able to keep RIP occuppied with scouts and frigs while my vettes took after the n00b, followed after a few minutes by a destroyer.
All RIP could do was say "LOL, gg man." I'll never forget that game.
Then there are the countless games I had with BattleFox where I had to fight tooth and nail for my very life against various opponents (DD, BDU, CC, ISD, BM, FL et al.). BattleFox always liked to play with the "Big Toys" as he called them. So he would make a token force of scouts and sometimes light vettes to help me out while he was researching the heavy stuff.
I would have to hold the fort against 2 opponents for a good portion of the midgame, often getting knocked within a hairs breath of getting my MS whacked. Then there would be Foxy, pounding at one of the guy's MS with his ICFs and Destroyers, and the guy would be like, "Oh shit!!!" He would turn his fleet to hit Fox, but it would be too late, and the fleet the opponent had amassed would end up drifting lifeless in space, as Foxy took his MS down. The other opponent would fall shortly after.
All of these games where I fought the good fight, knowing Foxy would be there to back me up at just the right moment represent "Defining moments" for me.
There are countless others. Creating the SLS. Building a legendary team with WildCard AKA "The Nuclear Brothers" Fusion and Fission. All my great games with my bros in SLS. I don't really want to start naming names, cause I think I've had great games with all of you.
I've saved the best for last though. I think the most defining HW moment for me was realizing (and I know some folks will argue this with me, but it's the way I feel) that this is NOT really JUST a game. It is much more than that to me. It has given me the opportunity to communicate and compete with people from all over the world. I would never have met any of you without HW and WON. I feel I have benefitted from this game.
It has brought me closer to people from around the world, it has allowed me to communicate with other cultures, and in fact has proven to be somewhat educational (certainly with regard to human nature). I just like the fact that there is a venue where people of any color, creed, sex, income level, etc. can get together and have a good time.
I think I'll leave it at that. Nuff said.
once again im sorry for posting on the FL forums, I know that I'm not welcome here so I'll be quick...
my defining moments are always in my head, kind of "how close can I get". my biggest goals that i never achieved were to join sls and fl. i didn't come close to getting into either.
there were many close games i think, like a 2v2 with posiedon vs frstkor and protos. they beat us but it was pretty close. other than that frstkor always killed me in 1v1 games. i always wanted to beat him though.
im glad that eclipse and kushan turned into good players, i wish i could take credit but its sad they could never actually learn anything from me except how to be a dick.
thats all... bye.
ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahah ahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah ahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahh ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahhahahahah
Defining Moments?
1. Winning Tourny with my bro Blood as the "islanders".(first tourny we tried to join together, the bugger fell asleep)
2. Having my cap fleet stolen by PreyOnU.
3. Getting swarmed by Oni, right before my MS dies he said "check this out" then he kami his swarm into my MS. LOL
4. Devlin letting me watch his ladder games on subj when i was a newbie, later he would show me how to support my vettes.
(2-4 shows how long I've been playing this damn game)
5. Lets not forget, Joining SLS!!!!
Oi, a fun thread again..
This calls for some extra chiken presence, so here goes
I dont have one defining moment..I HAVE 2!!!!
My first is beating Burst81 and getting into the top10 on cases, this was with my GuaRRand alias.
I don't know excactly how i beat him, but it was an Iron Curtain game.
I remember that it was a close game, but that my CAPS strat was just a bit more lucky then his
After beating him i remember him saying that he sucked at Iron Curtain..
Lucky for me i guess
My second is my favorite.
Its the game i played against Prey (he was #2 at the moment, behind Hivemind).
I was having a bad losingstreak and decided that a game against prey would only improve my game.
Again, i don't remember the details, but i do remember that it was very close and that at the end it was a very funny MS vs MS battle where prey's MS chased my MS around the map with only a few small fighters extra.
I think he managed to collect enuff RU for a MD after about 10 minutes (he had only one collector left) and that did the trick.
But i was still very proud to have given him such a hard run for his money
*sigh* , Those were the days my friend..i thought they'd never end..LA LA LA LA .....errmm..right...