people who insult shoelaces
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things that annoy you
Companies like Barfing Dog and Sierra that get me all psyched up for a game like CAT and then leave me hangin' with a synch-error prone P.O.S. .
People that tweak their video cards to get rid of fog effects in games to give themselves advantage.
L33T D00Ds that can't type in plain english.
What Frsty said to start the thread, big time. (OMG I agreed with him LOL)
Old fish in my closet.
The many things wrong with the world that could have been solved years ago by the practical application of high explosives.
The fact that I had a 1977 Encyclopedia Britannica "The Year in Science" book that stated that we could have had 10,000 person Orbital Colonies by 1995 with current technology by using half the combined defense budgets of Russia and the USA; and we still can't finish a piddlin' 7 person Station in 2002.
The dreadful state of my beloved Washington Redskins.
The fact that the older I get, the more things annoy me.
punk teenagers who appear in the HW community.... are good at doing vette wall on subj.. subsequently joining ladder.. then reaching a high rank doing just that (vette wall on subj)... then getting a big head thinking they are great players.. and spend their days and nights saying so in the WON lobby, in addition to frequently stating that "any other map than subj sucks"
that's what I hate most.. all other things (including Microsoft) are insignificant issues to deal with