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HW Community Private Server

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  • #16

    Ok guys this seems to have stalled but I have a solution. I can set up a server for the HW community if I get some guidance on how to do it right. I would do this through my business and can get fast adsl there. I will cover the cost as a business expense provided it doesn't run too much (preferably under $50 per month). I can buy the hardware also.

    However there are a couple of things I want to bring up before I get into this. First although it is great idea are there enough people in our group playing to make it justifiable? Will enough people play regularly to keep the server awake? How many HW guys play RtCW now? If different clan members could poll their people and find out how many are interested in playing regularly and report back that would be helpful. I have started to see more familiar names recently. Last night I ran into TurtleChiken and Adriko and I have also played with Reki, LordRule, Metho, Murph, Quar, Uber, Dukath, pH14, EventHorizon, GeritolOMO and Stu (sorry if I forgot somebody). While this is a good start it isnt enough to keep a server full since we are rarely on at the same time.

    Secondly if I am going to do this I would want some help from people who know about setting up servers so if you have some expertise then say so and we can chat on irc.

    Last edited by ReapZ; 02-16-2002, 01:25.
    Shoot first - argue on the forums later


    • #17
      How fast is this ADSL? And how fast is the comp you can get?


      • #18
        ADSl speed Up to 1.5M / 384K

        As for the hardware I can get whatever is needed. It would be cool if I could use one of my existing comps but if need be I will get a new one. I have a PIII 850MHz with 384Mb RAM and a 64Mb GeForce 2 Ultra I could use - is that enough horsepower for a dedicated server or not?

        If we need faster equipment to have a good server then tell me now - I dont want to invest in equipment that makes for a crappy server that nobody wants to play on - if I'm going to do it I'm going to do it right.
        Shoot first - argue on the forums later


        • #19
          yep. dont waste your geforce though - you dont even need a monitor.

          reaps - ill get you a decent rtcw config setup if you like. ive got some friends with some good scripting ready made. i think it would be cool to make it a stopwatch server with one or two of the best maps on rotation. it might be cool to have a couple of days during the week on limited life as well. there is a remote server console utility so that a few of us could maintain it as well.


          • #20
            yes pls

            rekz - that sounds great. See if you can find out the typical server cpu/RAM config to make sure we're in the ballpark. A remote console utility would be great.

            I would also like to beta test some maps at times. Monte Cassino is half done and its going to need a little beta work to make sure it plays well. As for the rest of the time why dont we do the configuration by consensus - all regular users just voice their wishes.

            Maybe you would be willing to be the person in charge of configuration? I know you'll do the best for everybody.
            Shoot first - argue on the forums later


            • #21
              That comp is fast enough, but like reki says, dont waste a good gcard. Do you get that broadband all to 1 comp, or is it an officewide connection? If it is, that's bad.

              All I'd want from a server is it doesn't run shite. So cut out generally-regarded-as-tripe maps, and don't do any silly experimental restrictions or functions or anything. Unless it's a private server, I'd also want every person here to have admin status, to keep it clean in there, and mess around when they get bored, and let those who've never admin'd learn how to.

              Where are you? If you're not in Europe then it's all academic because I can't use it.


              • #22
                You need approx 30-40kbs upload for each player, and about 25Mhz per player plus some for overhead. i figure you were talking megabits and kilobits with regard to your connection, so unfortunately that means you are only talking about 10 players on the server - i guess we can always test it though. would be best to use 512mb ram, but can get away with 384. you also need a decent version of windows (eg. not 9x).

                when you have the machine ready, download and install this program:


                as you can see, it gives you an easy to use GUI for running the server:

                also download remote console 1.1 from here:


                so any other admin(s) can control the server. if we dont like it, we can always use vnc.

                if all goes well, i will also set us up a server info page when its ready, a bit like this:


                with the q3 plugin, server timetable (eg bookings, maps/days, mode etc) and map d/ls.

                keep us updated anyway - it would be great to get a server going.


                • #23
                  Reaps and reki, are you sure the enthousiasm for having our own server is colouring the issue of having enough HW players to fill it?

                  I have everyone listed in this forum in pathfinder and about the only ppl I ever see on is reki reaps and Lordy. I saw adriko for the first time in game last night. I have probably seen about 6 other players mabey once.

                  For reaps to put this all together for us is great, gg m8, but I think it would be wise to follow up on ur point about usage. How many of us are there to take advantage of the server. If there's no more than say 15 - 20 total, I recon we'd rarely see even half of that number on at one time.

                  Time to get the word out amongst the rest of the HW community to see who else is playing.


                  • #24
                    I myself only get on mostly when Lr jumps on, also when pH or someone jumps. I rarely get on to solo.
                    "Enemies can be your weapons or your shield. Simply show them which they are."-The Teachings of Zho


                    • #25
                      well playing on a tourney team now, ive come to realise just how valuable a private server is. you cant practice strats with your team mates on the pubs & expect to get any valuable time in. you'll be wanting to play competition soon meths, i reckon.. like homeworld, its a heaps f'n better game when played for real. if we have a place to play and practice (like the FL lab games), you just watch the skills get better & better.

                      just from practices with my team over the past few weeks, i already feel a much better player because of it. having somewhere to meet & try out shit is vital to becoming a better player.


                      • #26

                        Ok guys I have been doing my homework on the server and it seems that trying to run one from home or an office is waste of time without a fatpipe to the internet.


                        After checking around i came across these guys - they rent servers made specifically for first person shooters - state of the art. Unlike many server hosts they dont require that you password the server (to cut down on bandwidth use). They say you can run a public server 24/7 implying they have plenty of bandwidth.

                        It prices out at about $65.00 per month to rent a server. I think this is the way to go. I am up for covering most of the cost but donations are welcome

                        Any thoughts?
                        Last edited by ReapZ; 03-04-2002, 09:38.
                        Shoot first - argue on the forums later


                        • #27
                          what games do they have installed?


                          • #28
                            Yes its been hard to just hop and a empty server and practice becuase then someone comes in and strats playing IF rtcw is avaible with that servre ill help you as much as i can although im broke rite now


                            • #29
                              Wooh00 Yeah!! yeeeHaH!! The enemy is weakened!!

                              Ok dudes its done.

                              The server will be up Wednesday. They said we need ftp pro to configure and administrate the server. I will be on a steep learning curve to understand what to do with it, but hey. Any help offered appreciated.

                              Initially the server will be for 12 players. That is a pilot for the first month to see how it pings and plays for everybody. After that I can expand if we need to. I like 6v6 though - good practice for tourney.

                              Rekz the games they host: CS and RtCW.

                              So I guess we should start posting suggested settings. I think we should call it "The Fridge".

                              Post away; we should configure by consensus.
                              Shoot first - argue on the forums later


                              • #30
                                Wednesday = way too soon. But, I say if we're just testing things, a standard rotation (that means no trenchtoast), no maxlives, on MP only.

