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FL - HoH war

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  • #16
    K Mollio NO, I'm gona have to free up some time on my hands for this war guys.First few things on my list...

    1.Stop having sex with girls.(hmm that should free up many hours for the war, but i still need more time)

    2.Looks like i wont need my new job so ill just go ahead and cancel that., bah who needs em.

    And last but not least im gona have to deprive myself of sleep so that i may free up enough time to join this war.Ok im gona get right on all these things right away guys!

    [edit] omfg i forgot masterbation!! looks like i can get all those things back now gg.


    • #17
      1. I don't have sex so I don't have that problem.
      2. New work...hmmmm.. noplease. No delivieries next week or the week after so I'm in the clear.
      3. Friends? Family? WTF is that?

      Molleys doesnt sleep.

      Hmm.. didn't help. I'm still scared.



      • #18
        /me ger Molle en burk surströmming...

        Heh det borde hålla vem fan som helst på avstånd.

        P.S vi kan reta frst genom att prata svenska om honom här också


        • #19

          Frst, I've asked you on many occasions not to try and interprete what I am saying. Instead, just listen to what I AM saying.

          I come here asking for a bit of fun, and all I get are snide comments and personal attacks.

          I don't think you guys have any reason to be so defensive, but a simple "no thanks" would've sufficed.

          I try and be cordial amid a constant flow of insults and abuse, and yet, you continue to be insulting.

          This is just a game, and I don't think you should feel the need to make personal attacks.


          • #20
            Re: *sighs*

            Originally posted by shutupandshave
            I come here asking for a bit of fun, and all I get are snide comments and personal attacks.
            Yeah you twit, it's the internet. Don't believe that shite that it was created as a means to improve worldwide communication, or even that it was a military tool to dispatch classified information with greater ease. No. The Internet was invented as a means of insulting people in a faster, more reliable and totally ostentatious manner.

            I try and be cordial amid a constant flow of insults and abuse, and yet, you continue to be insulting.
            Everyone knows that being polite gets you nowhere. Do you really think that diplomacy works? How naive.

            This is just a game, and I don't think you should feel the need to make personal attacks.
            *hands you $5* Get over it. Also that should be enough money for you to buy a life similar in importance and excitement to the one you currently lead.


            • #21
              FL SUCK

              I came here with good intentions, even though I suspected frst was a dick.

              I found out a lot more of you are dicks.

              You've deliberately gone out of your way to insult me , and you've dragged a lot of different people into this.

              In the time I've spent with you guys, I've seen rascism, homophobia, and the blatent abuse of people in worse circumstances than yourselves.

              You seem to pride yourselves on being able to come up with the quickest put-down or lowest possible remark...the lowest common denominator. If you think this is the way that life is, then you're missing out on a lot.

              FL, you're lack of regard for other people's feelings makes me slightly sick. You seem to care about nobody other than yourselves, and luckily for me, I don't have to deal with people like you.

              I doubt anything I say will mean anything to you people, because you only understand threats and abuse.

              So, I bid you farewell, and I hope you (continue to) evolve past just seeing yourselves on the planet.
              Last edited by shutupandshave; 03-16-2002, 14:50.


              • #22
                Re: FL SUCK

                You will forgive me if I take a quote from further along in your post and put it at the top, it is essential for what i wish to highlight:

                I doubt anything I say will mean anything to you people, because you only understand threats and abuse.
                Let's test that theory shall we:

                I came here with good intentions, even though I suspected frst was a dick.
                Abuse #1

                I found out a lot more of you are dicks.
                Abuse #2

                FL, you're lack of regard for other people's feelings makes me slightly sick. You seem to care about nobody other than yourselves, and luckily for me, I don't have to deal with people like you.
                Abuse #3-5

                There. I think they will understand your post, given your own criteria above.


                • #23
                  suas, welcome to the real world kid. welcome to the real world where people are not blind and stupid. there are no stupid people in Freelance, and besides blood, we don't have any stupid friends. welcome to the real world where people can add 1 and 1 together.

                  you can bs all day about how you came over here looking for a friendly war and that this was all for fun and you had good intentions. how stupid do you think we are? the log of the chat is readily available, its painfully obvious how this unfolded and it sure as hell wasn't in the hope of good intentions. when people are as pissed off as you were for getting banned from an irc channel, they dont all the sudden run up to the people they are pissed at and ask them for a friendly game in something they know they will win at. not with good intentions. you, just like your henchmen thor got urinated upon and so you thought you would be a big man and challange FL to a war. the fuck do you think you are? you know full well that there are like 2 active FL in homeworld, you know full well that a good few of us don't like your slimy ass. you think we're gonna drop what we're doing and hop on homeworld, rust and all, for you? no, you knew perfectly well that we wouldn't play at your beck and call. you were hoping you could make us look like cowards or something because we wouldnt dance for you. your homo scheme was all too transparent and you ended up looking like a dick. I don't really have a problem with people who are dicks, I just dont like arrogant liars who are dicks.

                  you're a liar and a poor one at that. you can talk all day about what your true intentions were, just like you can continue lying about how you never transfered da mon 7200 ru's even though you were caught on camera. learn how to be a real big boy and take up for your actions and intentions.

                  you wanna try and make me out to be some horrible bad man now? have fun, old news. you want to try and capitalize on me calling you a retard? gonna try and focus on that? how about my grammar? you wanna recommend a spell checker for me again? you aren't gonna make me feel bad dude, im sorry. i get off on making fools out of fools and it only fuels me up when they think I'll lose sleep over being called a jerk.

                  Almost everything you said in the log was baseless and held absolutely no water. FL not respecting newbies, ALL of the BiB hating me, ect. nah, you would have hoped for a 'no thanks', but you're not so lucky. i call the cards how they are, and you sir are a lying faget.


                  • #24
                    FL SUCK
                    ono do i sense a bit if DK?

                    You seem to pride yourselves on being able to come up with the quickest put-down or lowest possible remark...the lowest common denominator. If you think this is the way that life is, then you're missing out on a lot.
                    We pride outselves on being able to have a great time anywhere anytime. and what do you prode yourself on? doing a wall on subj for 10000 times and you have perfected it? =\
                    Last edited by skibb; 03-16-2002, 15:25.


                    • #25
                      /me plays Samantha Fox 'Touch Me (I want to feel your body)' on winamp.

                      OMG touch me;).



                      • #26
                        have fun with this war FL.. Have fun with the hoh clan? What is that anyway? hoh ? OWL clan or something? Peace...


                        • #27
                          its a NHC clan
                          "Enemies can be your weapons or your shield. Simply show them which they are."-The Teachings of Zho


                          • #28


                            • #29

                              LOL also.


                              • #30
                                hi suas,

                                not sure how you've drawn the conclusion that im racist, homophobic, insulting and pride myself on putting ppl down - but if thats the case, then so be it.

                                i kinda got the same reaction from one of your fellows on your forum when i asked him a simple question. i didnt really take that as a cue to lump the rest of your team in the same basket, however. if you want to play it that way, then ok:

                                HoH SUCXS DUDE!!11111111111

                                whoohoo. hi anyway.

