Heres my message to the FL run Homeworld Ladder.
And here is the reply I recieved from Metho|FL/Futha ladder admin.
Just thought I'd let you guys know about whats going on in the world that is WON, and other Homeworld-related things.
Didnt want FL to feel left out, even though you dont really participate in things anymore.
I have a complaint about the operation of this ladder.
The administration of this ladder, with exception of the very rare Molle sighting, have a virtually non-existant presence on WON.
A change is needed in how this ladder is run.
Untill then, take my name off this damn thing Metho.
Im tired of being screwed by FL's ladder.
This is supposed to make the game "fun" but all that this setup is doing is maintaining an elite in the community.
A glass celing of sorts.
And its being maintained by a clan (FL) which in the oppinion of 90% of the WON population, has passed on.
If you guys arent active, I dont see why you should be in-charge of the ladder, which is possibly the backbone of the Homeworld community.
Personally, I think Suas's new ladder was the best idea thats come along in a long time.
The monopoly of this "community ladder" by FL has essentially poisoned it.
If you guys want to stir up new life on the ladder, I suggest appointing a NEW more ACTIVE administration board.
Possibly taken from the names that are on the ladder already.
Unless that wouldnt set well with frstkor13...
Who would lose any influance on the ladder that he once had/still has.
Enforcing of ladder rules, mediation of ladder related disputes and so on are what the administration are SUPPOSED to be doing.
But due to the total LACK OF INTEREST on the part of the administration, problems are going unsolved, rules are being distorted to the highest degree.
These are just a few resons why I and the rest of WON (with exception of FL and possibly SLS) feel the administration are not doing their jobs.
The administration of this ladder, with exception of the very rare Molle sighting, have a virtually non-existant presence on WON.
A change is needed in how this ladder is run.
Untill then, take my name off this damn thing Metho.
Im tired of being screwed by FL's ladder.
This is supposed to make the game "fun" but all that this setup is doing is maintaining an elite in the community.
A glass celing of sorts.
And its being maintained by a clan (FL) which in the oppinion of 90% of the WON population, has passed on.
If you guys arent active, I dont see why you should be in-charge of the ladder, which is possibly the backbone of the Homeworld community.
Personally, I think Suas's new ladder was the best idea thats come along in a long time.
The monopoly of this "community ladder" by FL has essentially poisoned it.
If you guys want to stir up new life on the ladder, I suggest appointing a NEW more ACTIVE administration board.
Possibly taken from the names that are on the ladder already.
Unless that wouldnt set well with frstkor13...
Who would lose any influance on the ladder that he once had/still has.
Enforcing of ladder rules, mediation of ladder related disputes and so on are what the administration are SUPPOSED to be doing.
But due to the total LACK OF INTEREST on the part of the administration, problems are going unsolved, rules are being distorted to the highest degree.
These are just a few resons why I and the rest of WON (with exception of FL and possibly SLS) feel the administration are not doing their jobs.
I really wish you wouldnt refer to the ladder as being FL's. This couldn't be forther from the truth. Molle and I are FL sure, but faxe and frisky are not, and up until unreal stepped down only 2 out of the 5 admins were FL.
Molle and I are quite professional about our conduct and ladder issues are not discussed with other FL members. All ladder discussion takes place in private IRC chat, email and ICQ. The other FL's respect our privacy and do not prod into ladder affairs. Other FL's are very vocal about the ladder in public forums but this should not be confused with how the ladder admin is conducted. Only the admins are consulted for decisions related to the regular ladder.
Molle and I are quite professional about our conduct and ladder issues are not discussed with other FL members. All ladder discussion takes place in private IRC chat, email and ICQ. The other FL's respect our privacy and do not prod into ladder affairs. Other FL's are very vocal about the ladder in public forums but this should not be confused with how the ladder admin is conducted. Only the admins are consulted for decisions related to the regular ladder.
Didnt want FL to feel left out, even though you dont really participate in things anymore.