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I sent this to FL's ladder administration.

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  • I sent this to FL's ladder administration.

    Heres my message to the FL run Homeworld Ladder.

    I have a complaint about the operation of this ladder.
    The administration of this ladder, with exception of the very rare Molle sighting, have a virtually non-existant presence on WON.
    A change is needed in how this ladder is run.
    Untill then, take my name off this damn thing Metho.
    Im tired of being screwed by FL's ladder.
    This is supposed to make the game "fun" but all that this setup is doing is maintaining an elite in the community.
    A glass celing of sorts.
    And its being maintained by a clan (FL) which in the oppinion of 90% of the WON population, has passed on.
    If you guys arent active, I dont see why you should be in-charge of the ladder, which is possibly the backbone of the Homeworld community.
    Personally, I think Suas's new ladder was the best idea thats come along in a long time.
    The monopoly of this "community ladder" by FL has essentially poisoned it.
    If you guys want to stir up new life on the ladder, I suggest appointing a NEW more ACTIVE administration board.
    Possibly taken from the names that are on the ladder already.
    Unless that wouldnt set well with frstkor13...
    Who would lose any influance on the ladder that he once had/still has.
    Enforcing of ladder rules, mediation of ladder related disputes and so on are what the administration are SUPPOSED to be doing.
    But due to the total LACK OF INTEREST on the part of the administration, problems are going unsolved, rules are being distorted to the highest degree.
    These are just a few resons why I and the rest of WON (with exception of FL and possibly SLS) feel the administration are not doing their jobs.

    And here is the reply I recieved from Metho|FL/Futha ladder admin.

    I really wish you wouldnt refer to the ladder as being FL's. This couldn't be forther from the truth. Molle and I are FL sure, but faxe and frisky are not, and up until unreal stepped down only 2 out of the 5 admins were FL.

    Molle and I are quite professional about our conduct and ladder issues are not discussed with other FL members. All ladder discussion takes place in private IRC chat, email and ICQ. The other FL's respect our privacy and do not prod into ladder affairs. Other FL's are very vocal about the ladder in public forums but this should not be confused with how the ladder admin is conducted. Only the admins are consulted for decisions related to the regular ladder.
    Just thought I'd let you guys know about whats going on in the world that is WON, and other Homeworld-related things.
    Didnt want FL to feel left out, even though you dont really participate in things anymore.

  • #2
    So, you are saying that half the ladder admins are FL. Out of the two non FL admins, frisky is inactive. So 66% of all the active admins are FL.

    Hmm, well I would say that is pretty much an FL ladder....

    "Molle and I are quite professional about our conduct and ladder issues "
    Molle is very fair (in my opinion), however you held against me, something I posted in the FL forums about you, WELL before I ever knew you were a ladder admin. I get penalised (not literally, but it IS held against me) for having a problem with you, personally. Also, I posted a far less insulting email to you than amanda did, however you penalise me for 3 days for being rude, when all I really said was "spend more time playing HW".

    I think that details like these are what you need to be considering when you ask yourself why your ladder has 3 or 4 active players and the HW ladder has 40 or 50.


    • #3
      what the hell is wrong with you amanda? why do you even mention my name?

      the only time i say shit is when im speaking from the viewpoint of a hw community member. i dont make ladder decisions, i dont decide who gets banned or sits in the penalty box. i think personally, you are a stupid little bitch who is yet another moron pissed because they got kicked for valid reasons. you want a ladder where cheaters, and slime like you can run rampant, fine. i dont care and neither does anyone else here. wuptee fucking do.

      the reasons i am opposed to any ladder different than the one which has worked for 2 years is because theres no fucking reason to change it. theres no problem with the ladder. ppl like you can bitch about the ladder and blame it on the admins all you want, but the truth is, its ppl like you who are the problem. its ppl who think 2 ppl can use one account, ppl who rejoin every 2 days, ppl who dont play more than 1 game per week sitting in the top 10, and cheaters who ruin the ladder, not the admins. and to top it all off, from an admin standpoint its bloody hard to track that crap anyhow.

      and suas, who the hell are you talking to there? 'your' ladder? this is not the ladder forum, the ladder forums are not the FL forums, and the ladder is not the FL ladder.


      • #4
        Use email - use messanger - use carrier pidgeons - use anything except public forums to discuss this topic.

        Amanda - if you have something to prove about ladder - vote with ur feet, report ur current losses and move on..


        • #5
          save it for the ladder. FL are not the ladder. the FL forums are not the ladder.


          ps locked.


          • #6
            I am reopening this thread because one of the "FL ladder' admins would like to adress some things.


            • #7

              I think a few things need to be set straight before this goes any further.

              Firstly, Molle and I became ladder admins long before fl was anything more than a pimple on the ladder's butt.

              At some point, both of us were in the clan BM, and the same accusations surfaced regarding favoritism (since, after all, NO WAY could a clan suddenly appear, as BM did, and suddenly have all its members in top 20... unless the admins were cheaters...)

              So, frankly, none of this is new to us.

              No, the admins don't cheat. In fact, we are rather more self-critical than most ladder players seem to be these days, and would rather report a loss than leave any doubt as to the integrity of the admins... even if that means reporting a lagged out, messed up, fvkced up game.

              If you want to know, I have nothing to do with fl, except that I consider most of them my friends. FYI, I have actually kicked FrstkorSmurf from ladder before, due to questions about rules violations. (Yes, I was wrong, and I did apologize, once he stopped trying to kill me).

              And finally, Molle is on ladder. CptUnreal was/is on ladder. I am in fact on ladder, although I was on a business trip for the last month. I'm back now. If you don't believe me, go look at the ladder standings more carefully. BTW, I am not responsible for players' illiteracy. I have been there for quite a while, and if you didn't notice, it was because you were too busy arguing with people who play such cheats as gravwell strats.

              So, in short, admins are on ladder, admins do not cheat, and fl are subjected to the very same standards that everyone else must follow. To their credit, they simply seem to have an easier time following the rules than most clans have seemed to.


              The Seventh Rank

              aka, FaxeELPA
              Art of bakeryexpert

              The gourmet series has been created by the
              new art of bakery expert. The splendid
              snack is the excellent food for your
              health. Enjoy nice time by specialty
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              I Love Cake


              • #8
                in my "oh so humble" opinion, Amanda...its quite embarrassing for u to complain anything about the ladder. especially with your lame and ridiculous cries after each ladder game u lose. and to make matters worse, u refuse to report! and u have the audacity to come here and complain. I would like to apologize to FL for this post, but the little girl had it coming. u have read my email and know what i think of u now. for those of u who enjoy crap like these, here goes... this is my email:

                Blood here...have no idea what's wrong with my ladder email, can't seem to open the stupid thing. ok well here goes. i had a ladder game with amanda and i won. beginning of the game...she probed and saw i was going caps. she taunts me and says that she'll still win. i whip her badly with tons of gravs(she went lights/heavies caps). when gravs were pumping out...she starts running off her mouth about gravs. after the game, she spreads her legs and shows me how immature she was, saying crap about me not wanting to train her and yada yada yada whatever...i had to leave because reality was callin' so i get off...log on a couple of hours later and noticed she hadn't this is my little complaint. the little girl hasn't reported. k thx gg and i'll slap u with the rec on irc if i have to.

                this was meth's response:

                Hi Amanda

                What do you say in defense to the attached Gal ?

                Please reply promptly.


                and this was amanda's response:


                ps: grow up amanda...u can act all nice but we all know the real face hiding behind the stanky mask.

                pss: apologies again to FL for this.


                • #9
                  i didn't want to post in this tghread but this really needs to be said....

                  U BASTRADS ILL KILL YUO ALL!!111

                  I r lub choaocolate tehat are in my baed divorce the two wife is hard on bed tonight I bill aol which is 45$ and is hard for me. Plx plx halp me sombady i r chocalte and have divorxe mary 2 peple dat giv mariy me and kthxbi.

