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  • am i online yet?

    technophobes victorius!

    it only took me 5 months, but i think i am back online again, untill something goes wrong again.

    and what do i find? loads of posts? tons of new pics? stimulating flame wars?

    none of the above.

    nb. thanks for the b/day thread.

  • #2

    Hello matey, Toon r we !! doing well this season.


    • #3
      WB Mags. About the only flaming going on is garon lighting his farts. All the posting action is Eve jabber. Picks? ya, piss poor effort lately.


      • #4
        All you lazy parent types need to sort your shit out.


        • #5
          Hola Mag's and Metho - Is something else to play BUT eve when not chasing your off spring off the Comp or chasing away teenage boys and sharpening you katana?
          To live is to game - in some way


          • #6
            well then. get on irc so we can talk.

            Originally posted by CptUnreal View Post
            Hola Mag's and Metho - Is something else to play BUT eve when not chasing your off spring off the Comp or chasing away teenage boys and sharpening you katana?


            • #7
              Better late than never, welcome back Magz!


              • #8
                so, what happened to frst's comp set-up? which configuration did u go for? i ask cos i am feeling the urge to buy and upgrade. if i keep the case & psu, and replace everything else inside i might have a nice pc again. i can turn my old drives into out side usb spares cant i?
                DECUS ET TUTAMEN


                • #9
                  If the old drives are standard ide, just connect em on one of the ide ports. Most boards are sata these days. Grab urself a chunky sata drive and run your system off that.

                  External USB drives suck shit for speed. Esp with transferrs involving shitwads of files. Use firewire instead or a dedicated USB2 port minimum.

                  Fvked if I know what frst wound up with. Sure to be a killer system tho. Be prepared to get very scared if you want a decent gaming system, graphic hardware costs have gone ballistic.


                  • #10
                    i went with a 2.4 core 2 duo and an evga 680i nforce motherboard. the cpu is at 3.2 ghz stable now. i got 2gb of nice corsair dominator memory. nice gigabyte case, dvd-rw dr. graphics card is a geofrce 8800 gts very overclocked.

                    it runs very well and i love it.


                    • #11
                      I did the same - except bought dual 8800. Mostly to run dual clients - still have some reservations about that thou. But I do love runing dual screens. (mine was from
                      To live is to game - in some way


                      • #12
                        frst, cpt - you both running windows XP or you get your 8800's working with vista?
                        Shoot first - argue on the forums later


                        • #13
                          i run xp and will continue to run it until tom's, anandtech, or firingsquad says that vista's opengl and directx drivers stop sucking so badly.


                          • #14
                            Vista fails horribly. I wouldn't recommend upgrading for another year or so.
                            It's not so much that I want Lois to die... more that I want her not to be alive... anymore.


                            • #15
                              Running XP here - have heard such BAD thing s about vista the only way I will go there is if I can either dual boot vista - OR DX10 games come out.
                              To live is to game - in some way

